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Commercial Construction

Electrical for New Commercial Construction

Electrical Design and Installation

Are you looking into building a new commercial premise? Or are you a construction company in charge of commercial building projects for a range of businesses? Electrical design and installation is one of the key elements of a functional commercial premises, especially in the technological age we live in. Our businesses rely heavily on the use of electricity to keep our businesses running day after day, so having a functional and highly efficient electrical fit out is imperative. At Always Electrical we believe in offering effective and efficient electrical solutions that provide long lasting results. Our team sees the importance in providing an excellent service that will ensure your business is operating at optimal capacity to increase productivity for your business!

Always Electrical focuses on providing a premium service that implements the latest technologies for both new construction and retrofitting of existing installations. We pride ourselves in using energy efficient solutions and we ensure we are up to date on documentation of the Building Code of Australia (BCA) and OSH regulations in order to provide you with accurate advice and solutions according to government requirements.

We have skilled teams of Electrical Tradesmen able to work on the following Projects:

Child Care Centres

Fitness Centres & Gyms

Shopping Centres

Food Outlets

Cafes & Restaurants


Medical & Care Facilities

Retail Store Fronts

Entertainment Venues

Office and Workspaces

Community Centres

Churches & Places of Worship

Commercial Electrical

Whether you are a school, church or store front our team of skilled electricians have the capacity to design and install the electrical components of your new building project or commercial renovation. Always Electrical is here for the long-haul, ready to support you as you grow and implement new ideas! We are ready to help with electrical upgrades and any maintenance you need to keep your business or organisation working at optimal performance.

Electrical for Base Builds

Commercial construction is often divided into two stages, depending on the leasing or purchase agreements that are in place. The first stage is referred to as the shell or base build, focusing on the outer structure of the building making up the basic building form. As experienced commercial electricians, Always Electrical focuses on ensuring the basic structure is prepped and ready for a complete fit out, ensuring the building is connected to power supply. This means the commercial base build will require a switchboard and underground wiring to supply power to the building, as well as emergency lighting and fire detection when required. The electrical works during the base build phase will include all necessary components for the building to be powered.

Electrical works during the base build can include:

Liaising with Western Power and NBN Co

Supply, install and commission of Site Main Switchboard

Cable Trays and Support Cable Systems

Earthing Systems

General Power Distribution

Consumption Metering Systems

Basic Internal Lighting

Outdoor lighting, including Car Park Lighting solutions

Access Control Systems

Fire Detection

Electrical Commissioning

Electrical Fit Out

Once the base build is complete, electrical fit out can commence. This is often done within the same process as the shell, especially for clients that own a single occupancy building, rather than clients that are choosing to lease out the development to a number of tenants. Electrical fit out focuses on providing owners or tenants with the necessary specialty electrical items in order to build a functional work environment. While the basics have been installed at base build, including wiring and power to roller doors, basic power points and lighting, fit out ensures that there is power supply and lighting for the specific layout and set up of the building. This process provides the opportunity for the install of any industry specific safety switches or call buttons, medical grade power points and lighting. Fit out could alternatively focus on the visual merchandising of the building and will ensure that there is adequate and well positioned power points and lighting for its individual use.

Electrical components that may be included in Fit Out:

Specialty Lighting (e.g Surgical lighting, reception lighting, LED Strip Lighting)

Additional Power Points for office layouts or Gym facilities

Wiring and power for Commercial Kitchen facilities

Emergency Call Buttons for Medical or Care facilities

Feature or Display Lighting

Our key Clients